Tuesday, May 8, 2007

We All are Mistaken

Aaron Feshbach-Meriney, Prozdor Grade 10

I believe that we all are mistaken. I believe that there is nothing to believe in, that is, nothing to believe in except what is inevitable. i believe that no one knows what is going to happen, but I do believe in fate.

I believe that everything will happen. That no matter what you do, it will all lead up to what you were supposed to do. You can't ever know what you were supposed to do unless it has already happened, and even if you could know, everything you did to change it, would you lead up to/and cause it.

I believe that that people make up gods and godlike figures when thay have unanswered questions and are too small minded to accept those unanswered questions. It is impossible for all questions to be answered but I think science, technology and research are the closest things.

I also think people use way too much of their time being useless. We, as humans, are immensley incredible creatures, yet we waste our time fighting over whose religion is better, people also waste time with other groups of people. Countries fight to produce the newest and greatest thing. It is a never ending argument. I am a hypocrite in this matter. I live in a world where this happens and thus, I am subject to and controlled by things that do nbot have any importance to me.

Another thing I beleive is that humans are an unfortunate species to be. I think it is the best on earth, but it is still unfortunate. As I said before, we are wonderfull, but despite our wonderfullness, we have many faults that weigh us down.

When put under certain circimstances we cannot control out behavior. We also need nourishment and care to survive.

I believe that we are all mistaken.

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